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Festival of the Crucifix



                                                                        It was a Thursday on August 21, 1806, when the crucifix that is venerated in                                                                          our parish church was transported here with a solemn procession. the                                                                                  marquisate of San Possidonio no longer existed, broken off in 1797 by the                                                                              French revolution and the advent of the Cisalpine republic.
                                                                        Napoleon Bonaparte had suppressed the monastic orders and the Crucifix t                                                                       hat was in the church of the Capuchin friars of Concordia s / S was a spoils                                                                          of war, and would have followed the fate of many of our works of art stolen                                                                          by Napoleon and "housed" in the French museums, if the Marquis Pietro Tacoli had not moved to the departmental prefecture of Modena.
This is the text of the document found in the historical archive of the Parish Church:
"In the year 1806, on August 21, the miraculous image of the Holy Crucifix was solemnly transported, which is venerated in the church of the Capuchin Fathers of Concordia, obtained as a gift from the Prefecture of Modena through the religious care of Mr. Marquis Pietro Tacoli who together with all the excellent family in the walking procession with a lighted torch, starting from the house of Mr. Domenico Venturini in which he had brightly decorated his hall for use as a chapel and exhibited the Holy Simulacrum to later transport it to the Parish Church and put it back in the altar made erect with the spontaneous denunciations of the parishioners. "
From that moment the crucifix was hidden and kept in the wooden side altar of the parish church, specially built as a casket for this priceless treasure.
The oldest part of the work is the wooden cross, while the statue of Christ seems to be posterior: a straw and plaster sculpture dating back to an artistic school in the Bolognese area.
Since that distant 1806 every year on the fourth Sunday of August the procession that commemorates the event has been celebrated without interruption.
Following the 2012 earthquake, the statue of Christ was destroyed, only the wooden cross was saved. A copy of Christ in papier-mâché was made on the cross by an artist from Lecce. It is this copy that is currently in the hall of the parish community.




210th Sagra del Crocifisso - "Holiday in San Possidonio" - Re-enactment of some moments in the life of the Marquises Tacoli ...














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Saturday afternoon in San Possidonio we talk about European funds for professionals with the entrepreneurs of the Bassa

20 April 2016


It is called 'CHANGES - getting back into the game after the earthquake. What are the opportunities', the initiative scheduled for Saturday 23 April at 3.30 pm, at the 'Principato di Monaco' Auditorium of San Possidonio, organized by the local Proloco with the patronage of the Municipality, the Unione Comuni Modenesi Area Nord and the support of San Felice Banca 1893. The initiative, open to all, analyzes the world of professions in the round.

The starting point is the 2016 stability law which recognizes the right for self-employed workers to access funds from the European Union. A novelty that appears epochal, but which currently still presents some shadows. To clarify the requirements to access it will be Morena Diazzi, Director General of Productive Activities, Emilia-Romagna Region will talk about the development of free professions and opportunities of European funds.

Particularly interesting was the intervention of the coach and trainer Monica Fava, with a seminar on how to transform obstacles into opportunities. Just Fava, who for years also participated in the 'Festival of work and opportunities' in Modena, after years as an employee decided to get back into the game by becoming the director of Errekappa edizioni, an independent publishing house that focuses on quality publications.

The second part of the initiative will be dedicated to women and young people. The intervention of Nadia Caraffi, president of the EWMD association who will present the project 'Digital women', will be followed by the projection of some extracts from the movie 'At home you don't go back' presented by Erika Morselli of Flai-Cgil. Then the debate opened by the stories of two young entrepreneurs from the area. At 6 pm, the aperitif organized under the Proloco stands.

<The title of the initiative is not accidental - explain the organizers - because, after the earthquake four years ago, there have been several changes in the communities and in the territory. In the world of work, many have reinvented themselves out of necessity or to make a dream come true. Hence the decision to take this initiative which we hope will become a fixed appointment to keep the spotlight on the territory and its 'rebirth'>.

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